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The fairways Cottages build by Jerry Blakemore

Nowhere on this planet is the desert as fascinating as it is in Arizona.

Joseph Stacey, "The Incomparable Desert," Arizona Highways, March 1973

Courtecy of 



The 134 lots at Fairways Cottages at Legend constructed and sold out between 1994 to 2000. This project provided the unique challenge to utilize the 1,200 ‘/ 1,600’ Sq. Ft offered at that location for starter homes. Our team designed the interior with great care and met buyers' expectations.

Whatever good things we build end up building us.

Jim Rohn

The exciting part about this project was that the majority of the lots backed up to the Scottsdale Desert Land Trust which guaranteed that nothing will be built behind them to obstruct the views of Desert Mountain to the North and Black Mountain in Carefree.  

The Fairways Cottages at Legend Trail consist of three floor plans with three elevations each. These cottage type homes were the first in their category to offer 12’ ceiling plates and 8’ interior doors in that market.


Our innovative approach to design attracted young people to a market they couldn't afford before. It was exiting to welcome the younger crowd at the Legends and their active lifestyle enlivened and energized North Scottsdale scene.


The spectacular sunsets and sunrises, the purples, lime greens and orange skies above Desert Mountain and Black Mountain compels for outdoor exploration, sports and family outings. The Cottages are located in the immediate vicinity of the golf course at the Legend Trials, enticing golf lovers to the spot.

Jerry Blakemore, Castle Homes AZ


The Fairways Cottages
Around the Community
The Fairways Cottages Legend Trail
Cottages at Legend Trail
Fairways  Cottages
The Fairway Cottages
The Fairways Cottages Homes
The Views
The Fairways Cottages Picturesque
The Fairway Cottages
Cottage at Legend Trail
The Green at the Fairways
Golf Cort at Fairways
The Golf Course
Top Real Estate
Around the Lake at the Golf Course
The Homes at the Fairways
Fairways Cottages Homes
Scenic View from the Fairways
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